Tamara Gassner (CH, ZG)FULLY BOOKED
Achtung, fertig, TANZEN
Classes experience a moving double lesson with the Achtung, fertig, TANZEN project from Dance4School and the Tanzförderung in der Schule association. Tamara Gassner and her team bring dance to schools with a great deal of passion and commitment. "Attention, get set, DANCE" not only teaches steps and cool choreographies, but also systematic knowledge for the teachers, who experience how to dance without anyone having to be a dancer. The workshop also offers an insight into the system Attention, ready, DANCE, which is based on the elements INVENT, PLAY and CREATE and can animate entire school buildings to dance. The workshop is guaranteed to leave you with lots of good ideas and positive dance experiences, because dance brings people together and makes them happy!
Cycle: 2 and 3 / primary and upper school
Age: from 9 years
Location: assembly hall, music room or gymnasium
Date: The workshop can be booked at any time from September 2024
Duration: Double lesson
Costs: none (as part of the YOUNG DANCE Festival Zug)